- Incremental = routine business, modess novelty.
Ex. new coffee shopnew BDO
- Imitatitve = imitation of a venture, saying business model and template.
Ex. new regional branchfranchise operations
- Rent-seeking = business that utilizes standards, regulations, and laws to ship-in value of an enterprise.
Ex. licensing of a patented ideas, products, or prods of trade
- Innovative = business-based on innovation.
Ex. new cure for infectious diseasesnew DVD formatnew memory chipInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) enhanced home appliance
Technopreneurship for IT Viewpoint:
- high-tech ventures in ICT, electronics, Internet, and life sciences and bio-tech.
Ex. MicrosoftNano-Tech
- service firms where technology is critical to their mission.
- delivery or design for high-tech products like computer hardware or devices.
- use of technology in the delivery or conduct of normal business activities.
- a combination of both.
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